Monday, September 8, 2008

Does page rank really affects a blogger's career?

I've been blogging for almost a year. And slowly, I learn what to avoid in blogging. At some part, I find it too late. But I know that there are lots of things that I still have to know.
One thing that I have seen very important is the blog's page rank. The higher the page rank, the better you will earn. Google slap my pagerank from 3 to 0... Why? Because I've been an active member of some sponsored post sites. And Google is against sponsored posting. Since then, I receive 0 projects from those sites. They want sites with page rank. Luckily, I've been hired by some private company to write for them and their clients. That gives me a better earning.

But I am really wondering, if page rank really affects bloggers and sites. i would be very glad to hear from the experts out there. If yes, then how could a blogger accept sponsored activities without affecting the page rank?


Anonymous said...

Read my link!

Anonymous said...


in my humble opinion, that is dependent on the blogger's inclination in making money onlin - blog advertisng, adsense, direct ads.

for blog advertising (doing reviews0, PR is important. but for adsense and direct ads, traffic weighs more and PR is virtually insignificant.

just my thoughts about the topic based on my own experiences.

Anonymous said...

There are many ways to make money online. If you are selling ads or making paid posts, your pagerank may be an issue with how much you get paid for each.

If you promote affiliate programs, you can still build traffic without any pagerank and make some sales.

Bola said...

All previous comments are right but the only thing they ommited was that paid posts pay more than any other.I have the same problem,PR dropped from 2 to 0 because of PPP ops.

Now I'm just waiting for another opportunity from google to update my PR.

Ken said...

Para sa akon, google adsense pa gihapon ro abo nga income.

Xavier Lur said...

I think it

Anonymous said...

Some advertisers prefer blogs with Google page ranks.

Google took my PR, but still I'm getting a lot of paid posts. You just have to work on your Alexa ranking.

Keep on dropping EC. But you got a high rank already.. *wink!

Anonymous said...

As I said many times before for this kind of topic about PR, I don't give a shite about it :-)

Anonymous said...

When people do a search on Google, Page rank affects your sites position in the pages of the search results. The higher your page rank, the higher your site appears in the search results. i.e. higher PR's appear on the first page.

Iris said...

Here's the fact, if you paid post and did not put a no-follow tag you will be penalized but if you make a paid post but put a no-follow link you will be fine. If we give an example, Pay-Per-Post most of the postie's are penalized and lost their PR but now that Izea Learned from their mistake and want to protect their posties or small bloggers they made SocialSpark where you won't get penalize because they follow the policy and use the full disclosure.

You can read my post regarding this and you won't regret it..sometimes it's lack of information that keep us from earning money online because we scared of something like this but we are all mis-informed and mis-understanding. This is my own humble opinion.

sallreen said...

Seems all the blogging world is so crowded because of the update of Google Pagerank, it’s because the slapped are all famous great bloggers. When a number of prominent blogs had their Google Page Rank dramatically lowered, presumably for engaging in the practice of selling text links to other sites.