Friday, October 17, 2008

Entrecard just keep on changing

I've been blogging for a couple of months now... to be exact, I believe that my blog will be turningh 1 year this November. I love the blogging world... and I know I will be here for the coming years.

One thing that made my life easier as a blogger is Entrecard. Entrecard is a site that connects bloggers together. A free way to increase your traffic, learn more, have friends and feel that you belong in the blogging world.

Recently, lots of changes happened in entrecard.. From a simple unlinking of blogs up to the removing of entrecard selling opportunities. Some find it as a walk to improvement, some find it a little bit different from the original goal of entrecard.

But one thing is for sure, just like the whole world... entrecard just keep and will keep on changing...

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